Wednesday, December 7, 2011

No more Fighting Sioux

Last Tuesday, November 29th 2011, was the final day in which the University of North Dakota would be referred to as the Fighting Sioux. The day had finally come after many efforts to keep the nickname, but after pressure from the NCAA and multiple Sioux tribes, its days were limited.

UND president Robert Kelley has sent out a memo through the campus informing the school of how it should shy away from using the Sioux nickname. The UND web site will see the quickest changes with the removal of the Sioux head and have it replaced by the ND logo. University owned facilites will also have the Sioux head removed but only if it is used in historical terms like championship banners. Ralph Engelstad Arena and Betty Engelstad Sioux Center have the Sioux head and logo plastered all throughout the arena. Both arenas would not be required to get rid of all of the logos which are engraved in stone. However the Alerus Center in which the school plays football at, has agreed to get rid of all Sioux logos.

Since it is in the middle of the North Dakota hockey season, people were wondering what would they do since their jerseys have the Sioux name and Sioux head on them. The answer is that the new jerseys would not be available until February. So in that case, the hockey team will continue to wear those jerseys for the rest of the season. Fans will also be allowed to wear all clothing with the Sioux name and logo on it, which will be a very hot article of clothing to wear around campus due to the state is not to happy to get rid of the name and logo.

As far as the new nickname and logo being chosen, the law that was passed saying that North Dakota could retire the name, they can not agree on a logo and nickname until January 2015. Until then the school will be known as UND or North Dakota.

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